Friday, September 18, 2009
Adam Petkus
Mikayla Dalton
Connie Russo
Luke Reed
Dawn Kennedy
Jess Hegarty
Mark Schilling
Troy Pepicelli
Caitlin Gardipe
Kate Hare
Sarah Tupper
Julia Lisa
Annelise Nielson
Michael Greehan
Adam Reeves
Kevin Murphy
Cassie Spadory
Riandra Bhoge
Cate O’Brian
Sam Perry
Jamie Kaussner
Congratulations to everyone for great auditions and sharing with us your valuable time and talent.
Rehearsals will begin Monday September 21 at 6:30 in the Curtain Theater.
Rehearsals will normally be 6:30-10:30 Monday-Friday.
Please contact Stage Management as soon as possible to confirm your participation and contact information.
Kirt X. Kaminski
Lucia..... Sam Bosworth
Gomez..... Rebecca Keohane
Felipe..... Andrew Ferlo
Pastrana..... Sabrina Gogan
Captain Urbina..... Nick Ortolani
The Ensign..... Timothy Howd
Ines..... Kaitlin Carver
Sancho..... Jaquelyn "Lily" Kaufman
Pancho..... Zachary Smith
Rehearsals are beginning on Wednesday, September 30th at 6:00PM on the Rand Stage. Rehearsals will be called from 6:00PM – 10:00PM Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday. Saturday rehearsals will be called from 12:30PM – 4:30PM.
Thank you to all who auditioned, you made our casting decisions deliciously difficult.
Contact Heidi Denning
(978) 390-2621 /
with any questions.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Marta the Divine Callback List
Thank you to all who auditioned. Below is the callback list for Marta the Divine. Callbacks will be from 6:15PM – 10:30PM. Please check-in with Stage Management in the Green Room prior to the time when you are called. Assume that you will stay for the remainder of the evening after you are called.
6:15 Marta, Lucía (page 1 – 5)
Brittany Costa
Mikayla Dalton
Frances Domond
Andrew Ferlo
Monica Giordano
Sabrina Gogan
Emily Graham
Michael Greehan
Kate Hare
Jessica Hegarty
Jacquelyn Kaufman
Arbrenne Kelly
Julie Lisa
India Pearl
Sam Perry
Ellie Race-Moore
Luke Reed
Adam Petkus
Troy Pepicelli
Connie Russo
Zachary Smith
6:50 Felipe, Pastrana, Sancho, Pancho (page 10 – 14)
Sam Bosworth
Kaitlin Carver
Sarah Cote
Timothy Howd
Rebecca Keohane
Nick Ortolani
Mark Schilling
7:30 Lucía, Felipe, Marta (page 67 – 72)
8:10 Inés, Pastrana, Marta (page 45 – 47)
Riandra Bhoge
Mary Cox
Rachel Levine
8:50 Gómez, Marta, [Urbina] (page 42 – 43)
Matthew Reilly
Jeffrey Stingerstein
9:25 Urbina, Marta, [Gómez] (page 60 – 61)
10:00 Ensign’s monologue (page 39 – 41)
Paul Devlin
Kyle Lampe
Adam Reeves
Questions? Contact:
Heidi Denning
(978) 390-2621 /
Callback List For The Burial At Thebes
The Burial At Thebes
- Tim Howd
- Nick Ortolani
- Sam Perry
- Andrew Ferlo
- Adam Reeves
- Jeffery Stingerstein
- Jason Mantell
- Adam Petkus
- Kyle Lampe
- Troy Pepicelli
- Zachary Smith
- Luke Reed
- Kevin Murphy
- Michael Greehan
- Matt Brooks
- Mark Schilling
- Sabrina Gogan
- Randra Bhoge
- Ellie Race Moore
- Kate Hare
- Mikayla Dalton
- Dawn Kennedy
- Connie Russo
- Cassie Spadory
- Sam Lafleur
- Jamie Kaussner
- Sarah Tupper
- Annelise Nielson
- Cate O'Brien
- Amanda Heidt
- Rachel Levine
- Jess Hegarty
- Kaitlin Carver
- Caitlin Gardipe
- Becca Keohane
- Julia Lisa
Please check-in in the main lobby.
Sides will be available at 6pm in the main lobby.
Please, also check the main lobby display(where you signed up for auditions) for a list to initial and for a breakdown of who will be reading for what characters.
All actors called back will be auditioning for Chorus. There will be a movement portion for callbacks, so dress comfortable.
If anyone has any questions please e-mail me.
Kirt X. Kaminski
Stage Manager