Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Urinetown Saturday Call Back List

The following is a list of people who have been called back for Saturday, what roles they have been called back for and, at the very end, a schedule of when those of you who got a call back will be asked to be there. The parts listed are merely starting points for the casting panel, you may be asked to read for other character's as well throughout the call backs.

The material for these call backs will be posted no later than 6pm tomorrow, in the same location that the original material was posted in. Please check the board for what exactly you should be receiving. There will be a list of characters and what pieces each character requires on the call board when the material is posted in the marked folders. If there are any issues or confusions, just email me sooner rather than later.

Thank you all for coming out tonight! It was a joy to watch you dance and thank you for all having such positive attitudes throughout this process.

Noah Simes
Christian Hoots
Elliot Sicard
Will Healy

Noah Simes
Nate Murphy
Elliot Sicard
Justin Johnson

Darvin Hernandez
Peter Vaiknoros
Kyle Arrington
Eddie Flannery

Steven Porto
Darvin Hernandez
Ethan Berube

Daniel Kadish
Misael Figueroa

Hot Blades Harry
Kevin Murphy
Christian Hoots
Ian Olney
Darvin Hernandez

Old Man Strong
Daniel Kadish

Tiny Tom
Nate Murphy
Alan Couture
Will Healy

Little Sally
Kate Jones
Camee Manderfield
Annelise Nielsen
Beth Codey

Rachel MacKenzie
Lisa Bettencourt
Briana Heffernan
Meghan Morris
Valerie Whiteneck
Becca Griffing

Melissa Ennulat
Liana Gieitis
Lisa Bettencourt
Beth Codey
Dayna Fisk

Sofia Rivera
Lily Kaufman
Rachel MacKenzie
Julia Piker
Sam Mandeville

Becky 2 Shoes
Cassie Spadory
Julia Piker
Sofia Rivera
Camee Manderfield

10:00am - OPTIONAL WARM UP IN 204 (With Brianna)
10:30am - Bobby and Hope (Darvin, Peter, Kyle, Eddie, Melissa, Liana, Lisa, Beth, Dayna)
11:00am - Pennywise (ADD: Rachel, Briana, Meghan, Becca)
11:45am - Little Sally (ADD: Kate, Camee, Annelise)
12:00pm - Lockstock, Barrel (ADD: Noah, Nate, Elliot, Justin, Steven, Ethan, Daniel, Misael)
12:30pm - Cladwell (ADD: Christian, Will)
12:45pm - UGC Staff, Hot Blades Harry, Becky 2 Shoes, Josephine, McQueen, Old Man Strong, Tiny Tom, etc. (ADD: ALL)

Ian and Valerie, we are aware of your conflicts and are trying to find a solution time wise that works for all parties involved.

Thank you all again and please don't hesitate to ask if you have any questions or concerns!
-Allie Connell

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Urinetown Wednesday Call Back List

The following list is who has been called back for Wednesday’s Movement Call Backs (6:00-8:30, in The Curtain Theater). From this list, we will pull those who we need for the Saturday Call Backs. For those of you who were called back, please be here a few minutes to 6:00 to check-in in the Purple Lobby, dressed to move!

Thank you to all who auditioned Monday and Tuesday for Urinetown!

Kyle Arrington
Ethan Berube
Alan Couture
Eddie Flannery
Luke Haskell
Will Healy
Darvin Hernandez
Christian Hoots
Justin Johnson
Daniel Kadish
Mac Leslie
Zac McDermott
Kevin Murphy
Nate Murphy
Ian Olney
Steven Porto
Elliot Sicard
Noah Simes
Peter Vaiknoros

Lisa Bettencourt
Audrey Clark
Beth Codey
Melissa Ennulat
Dayna Fisk
Liana Gineitis
Becca Griffing
Brianna Heffernan
Kate Jones
Lily Kaufman
Katie Kramer
Rachel MacKenzie
Camee Manderfield
Sam Mandeville
Anna Meehan
Molly Meehan
Meghan Morris
Annelise Nielsen
Julia Piker
Sophia Rivera
Cassie Spadory
Valerie Whiteneck

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Hell In High Water Partial Cast List

JAMES GOODIN Alejandro Brown

LEROY PERCY Richard Ballon

WILL PERCY Zachary Smith

NANA PEARSON Hannah Hodson

CHANTEUSE Becca Griffing

RENA Adewunmi Oke


L’AMOUR MASON Adrien Peter

FOREMAN Sam Warton



OFFICER 1 Colin Tracy

OFFICER 2 Nathan Tetrault

This list is only a partial list based on what rolls were auditioned for.

More information will be sent to you via email. The first rehearsal date is still To Be Determined. There will be more members of the cast than are listed here. If you do not wish to accept the roll that has been offered to you please contact and inform the Stage Manager as soon as possible. A list will be posted in the Theater Lobby on Monday morning along with more information. Please initial that list if you accept the roll that has been offered to you.

If you have any questions please contact your Stage Manager.

Kirt Kaminski


Friday, September 16, 2011

Love the Doctor Cast List

Love the Doctor

Cast List

Please initial next to your name to accept the role please.

Dona Jeronima Julia Piker ___

Quiteria Kate Jones ___

Don Gaspar Ryan Moore ___

Don Gonzalo Mac Leslie ___

Tello Toney Brown ___

Dona Estefanía Monica Giordano ___

Ignacio Justin Avergon ___

Maria of Aragon Emma Cohen ___

Please go see the costume shop as soon as possible and sign up for a fitting time that works for you. Evan Laux (Costume Designer) is available after 1pm Friday 9/16, also Monday 9/19 and Wednesday 9/21 after 9am. If you can not be available at all during these times please sign up for the earliest opportunity you have to be fitted.

Cast, if you have any immediate questions please feel free to contact Paul (Stage Manager) at

Thank you everyone who auditioned!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hell In High Water Callbacks

Callbacks for Hell In High Water Will take place on Thursday September 15th starting at 6:30pm. Please check-in in the Green Room (same place you checked in for auditions) at least 15 Minutes before your call time. If your name is not on this callback list that does not mean that you are not still being considered for a part.

Arbrenne Kelly
Erica Simpson
Adrien Peter
Christian Hoots
James Zebooker
Zachary Smith
Jimmy Vidal
Julia Piker

Magda Compere
Hannah Hodson
Alby Nelson
Ivonna Thompson
Adewumi Oke
Shailee Shah
Steven Porto
Alejandro Brown

Jordan Albert
Nathan Tetrault
Alex Salizar Greenstein
Lily Kaufman
A.J. Maroney
Sam Warton

Cassie Spadory
Becca Griffing
Cammie Manderfield
Beth Codey
Carissa Dagenais
Lily Kaufman

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Stage Manager,

Kirt Kaminski

If you have a conflict in the time/s you are called please let the stage manager know right away,
Thank you, congratulations to everyone that auditioned; superb work on every one's part.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Love the Doctor Callbacks

Doña Jerónima

Emily Edström

Monica Giordano

Madeleine Maggio

Annelise Nielson

Marielle O'Malley

Julia Piker

Erica Simpson

Cassie Spadory


Emma Cohen

Emily Edström

Monica Giordano

Brianna Heffernan

Kate Jones

Julia Piker

Cassie Spadory

Don Gaspar

Joe Cattoggio

Daniel Cuff

Clayton Luopa

Ryan Moore

Nate Murphy

Alex Salazar-Greenstein

Zachary Smith

Don Gonzalo

Daniel Cuff

Mac Leslie

Clayton Luopa

Ryan Marchant

Kevin Murphy

Alex Salazar-Greenstein

Peter Staley


Toney Brown

Daniel Cuff

Eddie Flannery

Mac Leslie

Clayton Luopa

Ryan Marchant

Alex Salazar-Greenstein

Doña Estefania

Emma Cohen

Monica Giordano

Dawn Kennedy

Madeleine Maggio

Marielle O'Malley

Julian Piker

Cassie Spadory

Ignacio (formerly Íñigo)

Justin Avergon

Daniel Cuff

Ryan Marchant

Alex Salazar-Greenstein

Zachary Smith

Peter Staley

Sam Warton

Maria of Aragon, Queen of Portugal

Emma Cohen

Emily Edström

Monica Giordano

Lily Kaufmann

Robin McNamara

Madeleine Maggio

Caitlyn O'Brien

Callbacks will be in the Curtain unless otherwise posted. Please show up in the Green Room at least 15 minutes early for when your character is called in order to check in and go over your sides.

*Also know that there have been two performances added to Sunday the 16th at 2pm and the other will be at either 7pm or 8pm.

Call Times:

6:30pm: Jerónima and Quiteria

7:10pm: Jerónima, Quiteria, Gaspar, and Tello

7:40pm: Jerónima and Estefania

8:05pm: Ignacio, Gaspar, and Gonzalo

8:35-8:45pm BREAK

8:45pm: Jerónima and Tello

9:00pm: Gonzalo and Estefania

9:20pm: Gaspar, Gonzalo, Tello, Ignacio, and Estefania

9:50pm: The Queen

10:00-10:30pm: Everyone should keep this block open; you may be called back.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Scracity Cast List

-Cast List-

Thank you to all who auditioned! We greatly appreciate all of the time, energy, and talent that you shared with us; final choices for casting were difficult as a result.

Rehearsals will begin Monday, February 7thth in the Curtain Theater.

To accept your role in Scarcity, please initial next to your name on the callboard in the theater department. We look forward to seeing you!

Rachel Lawrence: Kate Henoch

Billy Lawrence: Zachary Smith

Martha Lawrence: Erin Wholley

Herb Lawrence: Wilson Zinnurov

Ellen Roberts: Robin McNamara

Louie Marino: Andrew DiBartolomeo

Gloria Marino: Kim Feener

Twelfth Night Cast List

Thank you to all who auditioned and gave so generously of their time at callbacks. We saw far more talent than we can cast this time around. It was truly a pleasure, and I wish all of you the best. Here is the cast of Twelfth Night.

First Rehearsal: February 28th

Brittany Costa

Kate Hare

Andrew Ferlo

Duncan Grossman

Connie Russo

Troy Pepicelli

Greg Boover

Julia Piker

Daniel Kadish

Sam Perry

Clay Luopa

Matt Brooks

Monica Giordano

Jonathan Remmers

Jimmy Vidal

If you have any questions or comments please contact:
Olivia Tymon

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Thank you to all who auditioned. We appreciate your time and talent. We would like to see those listed below at callbacks. Although we are asking people to read for specific roles, everyone called back is still being considered for ALL roles. Sides will be distributed at callbacks. Callbacks will begin at 6:00pm on Thursday and conclude when everyone has been seen.

Location: The Curtain Theater
Be advised that outside shoe cannot be worn inside the theater, due to the new floor.

Annelise Nielsen*
Brittany Costa
Cassie Spadory
Emma Cohen*
Erica Simpson*
Jana Muschinski
Julia Piker
Kate Hare**
Monica Giordano**
Rachel Garsus
Robin McNamara
Sophia Wise

Annelise Nielsen
Connie Russo
Emma Cohen
Erica Simpson
Gracie Baker
Jana Muschinski
Julia Piker
Kate Hare
Lily Kaufman
Linda Tardif*
Monica Giordano
Rachel Garsus
Robin McNamara
Sophia Wise

Andrew DiBartolomeo
Andrew Ferlo*
Greg Boover*
Neelan Bantu
Sam Perry*
Zack Smith

Andrew DiBartolomeo
Andrew Ferlo
Duncan Grossman*
Greg Boover
Heath Verrill
Matt Brooks
Zack Smith

Brittany Costa
Connie Russo
Duncan Grossman
Greg Boover
Jonathan Remmers
Julia Piker
Sam Perry
Troy Pepicelli*
Zack Smith

Andrew DiBartolomeo
Andrew Ferlo
Daniel Kadish*
Duncan Grossman
Greg Boover
Jimmy Vidal
Jonathan Remmers
Kevin Murphy
Neelan Bantu
Troy Pepicelli
Zack Smith

Connie Russo
Emma Cohen
Gracie Baker
Julia Piker
Kate Hare
Lily Kaufman
Linda Tardif
Monica Giordano
Robin McNamara

Andrew DiBartolomeo
Andrew Ferlo
Daniel Kadish
Duncan Grossman
Greg Boover
Heath Verrill
Jimmy Vidal
Jonathan Remmers
Kevin Murphy
Matt Brooks
Troy Pepicelli
Zack Smith

Clay Luopa
Daniel Kadish
Duncan Grossman
Heath Verrill
Jimmy Vidal
Jonathan Remmers
Kevin Murphy
Matt Brooks
Neelan Bantu
Troy Pepicelli
Zack Smith

*Daniel, Linda, Annelise from 6:00-7:00
**Kate, Monica from 6:00-8:00
Questions or Comments? Contact Olivia Tymon at

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Scarcity Callback List

Zach Smith
Andrew DiBartolomeo
Wilson Zinnurov
Matt Brooks
Law O’Regan-Llyod
Matt Clark

Peter Staley
Andrew DiBartolomeo
Wilson Zinnurov
Matt Clark
Law O’Regan-Lloyd

Katie Carver
Julia Piker
Erin Wholley
Lily Kaufman
Connie Russo

Katie Carver
Madeline Burrows
Connie Russo
Erin Wholley
Robin McNamara

Kimberly Feener
Julia Piker
Erin Wholley
Kate Henoch
Madeline Burrows
India Pearl
Cassandra Spadory
Robin McNamara

Zach Smith
Jimmy Vidal
Dillon Crockett
Matt Brooks
Samuel Warton
Alex Dunn
Neelan Bantu

Lauren Fox
Kate Henoch
Amanda Wilson
Mary Reines
Natalie Barkman

Callbacks will be Wednesday the 26th in the Curtain Theater, at 5:30- 9:30pm
Sides will be given out at callbacks. Due to weather concerns, if you need to travel far please let us know ASAP so we can see you as early as possible.
Thank you to all who came and auditioned!