Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Hell In High Water Callbacks

Callbacks for Hell In High Water Will take place on Thursday September 15th starting at 6:30pm. Please check-in in the Green Room (same place you checked in for auditions) at least 15 Minutes before your call time. If your name is not on this callback list that does not mean that you are not still being considered for a part.

Arbrenne Kelly
Erica Simpson
Adrien Peter
Christian Hoots
James Zebooker
Zachary Smith
Jimmy Vidal
Julia Piker

Magda Compere
Hannah Hodson
Alby Nelson
Ivonna Thompson
Adewumi Oke
Shailee Shah
Steven Porto
Alejandro Brown

Jordan Albert
Nathan Tetrault
Alex Salizar Greenstein
Lily Kaufman
A.J. Maroney
Sam Warton

Cassie Spadory
Becca Griffing
Cammie Manderfield
Beth Codey
Carissa Dagenais
Lily Kaufman

If you have any questions or concerns please contact the Stage Manager,

Kirt Kaminski

If you have a conflict in the time/s you are called please let the stage manager know right away,
Thank you, congratulations to everyone that auditioned; superb work on every one's part.

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