Thursday, November 11, 2010

Galactic Railroad Cast List

Daniel Kadish

Zanelli/Young Man
Christian Hoots

Linda Tardif

Miss Hara/Nun
Kate Hare

Monica Giordano

Bird Catcher/Grammar Teacher
Andy Ferlo

Old Man/Professor
Greg Boover

Little Girl
Annelise Neilson

Kids Ensemble
Duncan H. Grossman
Sam Perry
Troy Pepicelli
Erica Simpson
Emma Cohen

There will be a sheet to initial in the Theater Lobby, asking if you will accept the part that you have been offered. Please look for it tomorrow.

Email me with questions or concerns.
Kirt Kaminski

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Night On The Galactic Railroad Callback Information

Giovanni/Zanelli/Young Man/Arzo
Sam Perry
Daniel Kadish
Jonathan Remmers
Duncan H. Grossman
Matt Brooks
Greg Boover
Troy Pepicelli
Christian Hoots

Erica Simpson
Kate Hare
Emma Cohen
Annelise Nielsen
Linda Tardif
Kim Feener
Monica Giordano

Old Man/Bird Catcher/ Grammar Teacher/Professor
Troy Pepicelli
Greg Boover
Christian Hoots
Andy Ferlo
Sam Perry

Miss Hara/Nun
Laura Motley
Lisa Bettencourt
Linda Tardif
Monica Giordano
Kate Hare
Connie Russo
Lily Kaufman

Kate Hare
Monica Giordano
Linda Tardif
Lisa Bettencourt
Connie Russo
Laura Motley
Cate O'Brien
Lily Kaufman

Erica Simpson
Kate Hare
Monica Giordano
Alex Karkos
Shailee Shah
Connie Russo
Emma Cohen
Kim Feener
Laura Motley
Annelise Nielsen
Lily Kaufman

Little Girl
Erica Simpson
Alex Karkos
Shailee Shah
Annelise Nielsen

Zachary Smith

Arzo/Zanelli/Old Man/Bird Catcher/Grammar Teacher/Professor
Noah Simes

Lawrence O'Regan-Lloyd

Typesetters/People On Raft
All people called back (above) must review these sides.

Callbacks are Wednesday November 10 in 204, starting at 6:00.

Above are the sides that you have been asked to review for Callbacks. Sides will be available to you in the afternoon at the Theater Department. Please dress comfortable, you will be asked to do physical activities.

Toby requests that, Arzo, Pempel, Kiev, Zanelli: Look at scene on page 49-52, you will be asked to stage, as an ensemble, the scene that transitions from the titanic to the raft, making a clear choice of how to get from one to the other. You will then be asked to perform your scene. You will also be asked to stage the Typesetter's monologue, using choreographed "mechanical" movement.

Thank You everyone and Congratulations.

Please contact Kirt Kaminski with any questions or concerns.