Monday, April 8, 2013

STREET SCENE Cast List & Information about the Fall

Thank-you everyone that came out to auditions and callbacks for STREET SCENE the past three days. We were very excited to see so many talented singers and actors. Please see below the cast list from the principle roles we were auditioning this weekend. Please note that if you were not cast as these roles, all of you are invited to callbacks in the fall of 2013. There are so many great roles in this production, and there are many opportunities for everyone that came out to auditions. We look forward to seeing you in the fall!

For those of you that were cast, please e-mail Derek Johnson at to accept your role. Information regarding scripts will be sent out via e-mail in the coming weeks. 

Any questions at all, please contact Company Manager Derek Johnson at or Stage Manager Arielle Herold at Thank-you again for all your hard work this weekend, and we look forward to starting things up next year!

Rose Maurrant………………………….Liana Gineitis
Sam Kaplan……………………………..Rob Stahley
Emma Jones……………………………Heather Lord
George Jones…………………………..Javier Luengo-Garrido
Greta Fiorentino………………………...Melissa Ennulat
Lippo Fiorentino………………………...Daniel Kadish
Olga Olsen………………………………Jessica Campbell
Carl Olsen……………………………….Michael Carotenuto
Henry Davis……………………………..Matt Chastain
Harry Easter…………………………….Tiberius Cuipylo-Watkins

Called Back in the Fall (Information will be provided in Fall 2013)
Beth Codey
Elizabeth Gorrie
Kathryn Tolley
Caroline Phinney
Dayna Fisk (May)
Katie Lipow
Casey May
Ryan Hill
Alan Couture
Michael W. Seavey
Maggie Dekker
Audrey Clark
Susan Dillard
Aeri Kim
Peter Vaiknoras
Caroline Gregg
Geehae Moon
Becca Griffing
Alice Baldwin
Michael Merullo
Gwen Coburn
Pamela McCaddin
Connor Dennin (Buchanan, Dick McGann)
Ben Finn (Buchanan, Dick McGann)
Kyle Arrington
Tori Clough

Sunday, April 7, 2013


Thank-you everyone that came out to STREET SCENE auditions, we were very excited to see all of you! Please find below callback information for Monday April 8, 2013, including a schedule and who you are called back for. Some of you are called back for multiple roles so please read the schedule carefully! Please arrive promptly for your callback with ample time to review sides. They will take place in room 204 in the Fine Arts Center, UMass (where auditions were held). These callbacks do not include the auditions happening tomorrow at 6pm in 204.

Callbacks will consist of a dance portion, with choreographer and professor of dance Paul Dennis. Please wear comfortable clothes that you are able to move in for this part of callbacks. Following the choreography, you will read sides in pairs/groups and sing. To see who you will be reading/singing for, please refer to the schedule below. 

Please also find a callback list for the round of callbacks for the fall semester below. More information will be provided regarding those callbacks as we near the fall. 

Called Back in the Fall 2013:
Beth Codey
Elizabeth Gorrie
Caroline Phinney
Casey May
Ryan Hill
Alan Couture
Peter Vaiknoras
Caroline Gregg
Alice Baldwin

Parents of those that auditioned for the children’s roles- Please take a look at the text of the STREET SCENE to see if you are comfortable with some of the language (discussion of an affair). Please contact Derek Johnson by Wednesday via e-mail to accept the role (e-mail below). Some children have been asked to come back in the fall. Information below. 

Children’s Cast List
Ruby Cain………………………………………....Willie
Gabriel Randall…………………………………....Charlie
Esther Sokoloff-Rubin…………………………….Joan
Sophia Schweik…………………………………...Grace
Ruthie Weinbaum………………………………....Mary
Tristan Lewis-Schurter……………………………..Ensemble

Children’s Fall Callbacks
Martha Garbarini
Leah Udell
Hannah D’Alessandro
Khalila Lord-Arond
Lianna Fife Wiggal
Morgan A. Brennan

If you have any questions regarding the schedule or callbacks themselves, please e-mail Company Manager Derek Johnson at or Stage Manager Arielle Herold at

6:30-7:30 Choreography with Paul Dennis
  • Kathryn Tolley
  • Dayna Fisk
  • Katie Lipow
  • Michael Joseph Carotenuto
  • Matt Chastain
  • Michael W. Seavey
  • Tiberius Cuipylo-Watkins
  • Maggie Dekker
  • Javier Luengo-Garrido
  • Liana Gineitis
  • Audrey Clark
  • Susan Dillard
  • Aeri Kim
  • Rob Stahley
  • Geehae Moon
  • Becca Griffing
  • Heather A. Lord
  • Jessica Campbell
  • Michael Merullo

7:30-8:00 Sam, Rose, Harry Easter
Kathryn Tolley
Liana Gineitis
Aeri Kim

Rob Stahley

Harry Easter
Tiberius Cuipylo-Watkins
Matt Chastain

8:00 Sam and Rose Duets & Solos
Kathryn Tolley
Liana Gineitis
Aeri Kim

Rob Stahley

8:30 All Mr & Mrs Pairs (Mr/Mrs. F, Mr/Mrs. J, Mr/Mrs. O)
Mr. F
Michael Merullo

Mrs. F
Aeri Kim
Susan Dillard

Mr. J
Javier Luengo-Garrido
Michael W. Seavey
Matt Chastain

Mrs. J
Katie Lipow
Geehae Moon
Becca Griffing
Heather Lord
Jessica Campbell

Mr. O
Michael Carotenuto

Mrs. O
Dayna Fisk
Katie Lipow
Maggie Dekker 
Liana Gineitis
Audrey Clark
Jessica Campbell

9:00 Ice Cream Sextet **Mrs. O has been added to this song!**
Henry Davis:
Michael W. Seavey
Matt Chastain

Mr. J
Javier Luengo-Garrido
Michael W. Seavey
Matt Chastain

Mr. F
Michael Merullo

Mr. O
Michael Carotenuto

Mrs. O
Dayna Fisk
Katie Lipow
Maggie Dekker 
Liana Gineitis
Audrey Clark
Jessica Campbell

9:30 Heat (Women, no Rose. Pg. 12-13)
Mrs. F
Aeri Kim
Susan Dillard

Mrs. J
Katie Lipow
Geehae Moon
Becca Griffing
Heather Lord
Jessica Campbell

Mrs. O
Dayna Fisk
Katie Lipow
Maggie Dekker 
Liana Gineitis
Audrey Clark
Jessica Campbell

10:00 Marble and a Star
Henry Davis
Michael W. Seavey