Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Machinal Callbacks

Thank you so much to all of the talented people who came out to audition these past two days.
Below is the list of people we will be calling back on Wednesday September 12 and Thursday September 13 in the Curtain Theater.  
All of the people on this list should plan to stick around and come wearing clothes AND shoes they are comfortable moving in. 

Principle Callbacks - Wednesday September 12 from 6:30-10:30
Christian Hoots
Clayton Luopa
Zachary J. Smith
Peter Staley

Emma Ayres
Maggie Dekker
Emily Edstrom
Susannah Holub
Meaghan Morris
Annelise Nielsen
Marielle O'Malley
Leslie Erin Roth
Cassandra Spadory
Erin Wholley

(All people called back as principles will also be considered for ensemble and should attend Thursday's callbacks.)

Ensemble Callbacks - Thursday September 13 from 6:30 - 10:30
Rachel Bae
Gracie Baker 
Beth Codey
Becca Griffing 
Camee Manderfield
Shailee Shah
Eshe Shukura
Lila West
Devon Yurko

Jared Beaulieu
Ethan Berube
Joe Cattoggio
Conor Denin
Jacob L. Dodson
Benjamin Finn
Eddie Flannery
Alain Lamoureux
AJ Maroney
Nate Murphy
Michael Seavey
Sviatoslov (Slava) Tehoul

If you have any questions, comments or concerns please feel free to email me at aengelsm@student.umass.edu

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