Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Detroit Callback List and Information


Thank-you everyone that came out to auditions for Detroit! We were very excited to see so many talented actors. Please see below for the callback list.

Callbacks are on Wednesday September 11 beginning at 6:00 p.m. and will consist of readings from the script which can be found below the callback list for each character.

Report to the Green Room for check in. Please come warmed up, familiar with the sides, and ready to work. LADIES: please no high heels. Can't wait to see you all there!

**The side for a group scene (all characters but Frank) can be found here.

Kat West
Marielle O’Malley
Gracie Baker
Christie Bastinas
Emily Edstrome
Meaghan Morris

Avery Bargar
Sam Warton
Toney Brown
Slava Tchoul
Cory Missildine
Matthew Brown
Alex LaFreniere
Luke Haskell
Tyler Appel
Zen [sic]

Avery Bargar
Sam Warton
Toney Brown
Ben Polson
Tyler Appel

Kat West
Alison Kerr
Marielle O’Malley
Angela Fenton
Tarin Schneider
Lily Filippatos

Slava Tchoul
Michael Seavey
Alex LaFreniere
Eddie Flannery
Jordyn Albert
Matthew Brown

If you have any questions regarding callbacks, please e-mail Stage Manager Kathryn McNall at kbmcnall@yahoo.com

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