Tuesday, September 11, 2018

What of the Night Callbacks List

What of the Night Callbacks List

The What of the Night team would like to thank each and every person who came to our auditions for sharing their time and talents with us. We were fortunate to see many incredible artists and the following names are of people we would like to see for Callbacks. We will be in the RAND Theater from 6:00-10:00 on Wednesday 9/12. Please dress in clothes you can move in & be prepared to stay for the whole evening. To confirm your callback please initial next to your name on the call board or email stage manager Liz Diamond at ediamond@umass.edu.

Noah Lewis Bailey 
Alison Butts 
Jasmine Caamano 
Elisabeth Castellon 
Gabe CiFuentes 
Tristian Clemedtson 
Nicholas Cummings 
Sara Demby  
Tyler DiBenedetto 
Ryan Dunn  
Jacqui Dupre 
Sarah Etkin  
Dvorah Gitlitz 
MarHadoo Jones  
Michaela Kelly 
Lucas LaGuardia 
Chelsey Leiper 
Celena Lopes 
Taylor Mickins 
Bobby Morse 
Marissa Perez 
Sebastian Salloum 
Evan Silverstein 
Allyson Waddell 
Shelby Winch 
Jasper Wolf 

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