Friday, February 1, 2019

SWEAT Cast List



Thank you to everyone who participated in the callbacks for SWEAT.
We greatly appreciate your time and willingness to explore these characters.

The first rehearsal for SWEAT will be
Tuesday, February 19th at 6:30pm in the Curtain Theater.

Please sign your initials next yo your name to show you have read
the cast list and accepted your role. The cast list is as follows:

CHRIS .......................... Isaiah Grace
JASON ........................ Jason Beckett
STAN ............................. Ethan Blake
OSCAR ................. Gabriel CiFuentes
TRACEY ....................... Jacqui Dupre
CYNTHIA ................ Marhadoo Jones
JESSIE ............................. Rachel Hall
EVAN .......................................... TBD
BRUCIE ...................................... TBD

All cast members are asked to report to the Costume Shop for measurements, after accepting their role, Thank you!

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to email

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